Books Featuring the Work of Joseph Doolin

The Metal Giants and Others, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume One

The Metal Giants and Others launches in style the multi-volume program to collect all the prose work of a neglected, but fondly remembered master, Edmond Hamilton. Culled from the highly collectible (and highly priced!) early issues of pulp magazines such as Weird Tales, Amazing Stories, and Science Wonder Quarterly, these tales seethe and foam with the vigor of unrestrained imagination.

Out of Print

The Reign of the Robots, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Four

Here are no fewer than 10 unreprinted stories from WEIRD TALES and/or WONDER STORIES. Alongside these, you’ll find such classics as “The Man Who Evolved” and “A Conquest of Two Worlds.”


The Six Sleepers, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Five

Hamilton really put his Remingtons to the task with more stories for WEIRD TALES as well as some of his best work (which is to say some of the best work ever to appear in) for WONDER STORIES.


Now Available!

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